U Rock For Kids Is For Any Age Group!  Join In!  U Rock!!!!!!!!

Rocky is working on the mobile site! 

He will do the best he can to get it done!

If you have any issues with ordering or contact form, you can contact Rocky at Rocky@urockforkids.com

What Can You Do......

What is Up With "U Rock for Kids?"

Gather your friends, share some cards, and shout "U Rock!!"

“U Rock” is an inspiration for promoting self-esteem, confidence, friendship, and respect in youth. We want to grab the attention of youth to start a movement of caring for themselves and for others.          A shared sentiment among people that shouts, ​​​​​​​“U Rock!”

What can you do to be a part of this movement?  Jump on our band wagon!  Are you a parent?  Buy some cards for your children, your relatives, your children's classmates.  Are you a grandparent?  Buy some cards for your grandchildren and children in your neighborhood. Are you a teacher?  These cards are great for your kids!  Are you part of a hospital or clinic?  Wouldn't you feel good passing these on to kids who come in?  Do you know an organization--Boys and Girls Club or Girl and Boy Scouts that could use a boost of ​​​​​​​“U Rock!”??  Are you a student? Hopefully you can get your hands on some cards!  You can start by being nice to everyone!  Even those who hurt you!  Maybe you can be the change, the inspiration, to that person who is mean!